Supreme Motors II reviews

Supreme Motors II

Gallatin, TN


About Supreme Motors II

Supreme Motors II are one of the Used car dealer in Gallatin, Tennessee. They are listed here as buy here pay here dealers in Gallatin. You can contact Supreme Motors II at their contact number (615) 206-0224. They are Rated 3.3 out of 5, dealers based on 25 Google reviews.

Location and Map

Supreme Motors II are located at 1033 Woods Ferry Rd, Gallatin, TN 37066.


Checkout the weekdays timings to know if they are open and schedule your visit accordingly. Try to call them before visit for latest update on timings.



How to book appointment with Supreme Motors II?

You can book appointment with Supreme Motors II easily via either by calling them at (615) 206-0224 or visiting the car lot at 1033 Woods Ferry Rd, Gallatin, TN 37066.

How to find buy here pay here dealer in Gallatin?

To find BHPH dealers in Gallatin, visit, enter the city name or dealer name or whatever you are looking for and hit enter. It will take you to search result page with your query.

How does buy here pay here work in Gallatin?

Buy Here Pay Here is a type of financing that allows customers to finance their vehicle directly through the dealership. The dealership will work with the customer to set up a payment plan that fits their budget and needs. Customers can make their payments at the dealership or online.

What credit score should I have to buy a car?

Credit scores can vary depending on the lender. However, it is generally recommended that you have a credit score of at least 620 in order to qualify for an auto loan.

How long does it take to purchase a car with a buy here pay here in Gallatin?

The process of purchasing a car with a buy here pay here dealership in Gallatin is typically quicker than going through a traditional bank or lender. The reason for this is that the dealership is both selling and financing the car, so there is less paperwork and red tape involved. However, it is still important to take your time when making such a large purchase, so you don't end up with a car that you can't afford or that isn't right for you.

Supreme Motors II reviews

Jessica Goings review Supreme Motors II

Jessica Goings

Im bought a car from this foul mouth man name Billy and I should have caught on to him by his mouth but I pushed it to the side because hes a great talker, used car salesmen all day. But he makes bad car salesmen look bad and gives them a More

Naeee Money review Supreme Motors II

Naeee Money

Dont buy cars from here

Eric review Supreme Motors II


Driving by and stopped to Just walked through the back lot with classicold clunkers cars. Nobody hassled us.

Angela justice review Supreme Motors II

Angela justice

They are very dishonest

Rodger Gregory review Supreme Motors II

Rodger Gregory

Always got a good deal.

Bridgette Keen review Supreme Motors II

Bridgette Keen

Love Janet and Jay Theyre the best.

Justin Hall review Supreme Motors II

Justin Hall

Horrible place to do business with and billy is a scum

Car Keys Plus review Supreme Motors II

Car Keys Plus

Great people to do business with.

Reagan Burgenheim review Supreme Motors II

Reagan Burgenheim

Kind and fair people, beautiful cars

Tara Hobdy review Supreme Motors II

Tara Hobdy

This family business is about other familys also. They are so good to me and my mine. Very honest people. I do not understand how anyone can say a word differently. Thank all of you for my amazing car and being so kind to my family. If any one needs a good car at a good price this is the place to go. All great people